Entries by Amanda Hackett

Some Listened

These are sheep I sat with in the foothills of Appalachia. Some of them listened—just like church—some listened. Others? Well, you get it. Pat Pickett, OblSB

Jigsaw Puzzle Contest

Last Friday evening, three other sisters and I joined about 25 to 30 others, all college students, to participate in the first-ever jigsaw puzzle contest here on campus. One of […]

Good News!

“Hearing and reading so much about refugees and immigrants who know intimately the apathy and lack of hospitality given them in countries around the world—whether on the high seas or […]

Words Matter!

This evening as we prayed Compline, I was struck again concerning the battle going on today between the voices that utter truth and those that tell lies! We were warned: […]


“Wanna play Tic-Tac-Toe?” I asked the young gal sitting next to me on the plane. She stared blankly. Wondering if her earbuds were stopping her from understanding me, I noted […]

The Golden Rule

In this month of attention to flags, freedom, fireworks and fun, it may be appropriate to focus on the virtue of patriotism to broaden its meaning. We can read Johnny […]

Holy & True Blues

An assignment for seminary students in Psalm class this summer was to create a contemporary psalm using any of the categories we studied. They could write it alone or team […]

Happy Feast of St. Benedict!

Every Benedictine sister who hears another sister wish her “Happy Feast” feels a special warmth because this is the same day (July 11) that almost every sister vowed to live […]

Luke (Lucille) Hoschette, OSB

Luke (Lucille) Hoschette Saint Benedict’s Monastery St. Joseph, Minn. September 18, 1925 – July 15, 2023 The Eucharist of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 3 p.m. on Friday, July […]