Thresholds: Movements of Grace

During the party, Peter carried Anna over an imaginary threshold.…

Individualism or the Common Good?

If we were given a choice between these two opposites, I'd wager…

Christmas 2024

“And it came to pass” is a phrase often mentioned within…

The Best Christmas Present

“Boy, 7.” “Girl, 4.” “Boy, 6.” “Girl,…

Playing at Work, or Is It?

Do you ever get caught at your computer playing your favorite…

Advent Today

Yesterday, I found a copy of a paper written by a college student.…


It may be too early to express this plea but please keep your…

Thanking You

Thank you! Our first attempt at connection continued daily…

Losing Something Precious

I am the kind of person who, at the end of the day, always puts…

Musings on a Pitcher

Voting chips clink against the metal pitchers being held for…