Daily Meditation for December 20, 2023

“Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord” (Henri Nouwen). This year, Advent is the shortest it can be. How can we prepare for the coming of our Savior in three weeks, especially with all the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle around us? Henri Nouwen gives us pause for thought. As Christians, our hope is in the Risen Lord. Every day, every hour, every minute, we are called to be conscious of Christ, not simply as the babe in the manger, but active in our lives now and in the future. What does that mean? We need to be conscious that we are the feet and hands of Christ, his people who are called to live out through our words and actions the Gospel message of love. Advent is not merely the season of waiting for Christmas, it’s a lifetime project of discovery to find what it truly means to be a Christian.

By Karen Rose, OSB