Daily Meditation for January 26, 2022

On the outside, a banana may appear to no longer be usable. After one removes the peeling, even though it may seem overripe because of the dark color of the skin, the fruit may be perfect for making banana bread or cake that is very delicious. Peoples’ appearances, their likes and dislikes, their values may not attract us. First encounters with strangers are usually quite superficial. It is only in time that one may discover what makes them “tick,” who they really are. What is the fruit of that person, the inner being? What is the fruit that she/he can bring into this world? One can bring love that no one else can, gifts, talents, generosity, even the challenges she/he faces. May we have the wisdom and courage to bring not only our outer self to others, as precious as that is, let us be willing to give of our inner goodness to everyone we encounter.

By Michon Lanners, OSB