Daily Meditation for January 27, 2022
During this coldest time of the year, the adage “cold hands, warm heart” can be applied to people whose cold hands better the lives of others. Be it a parent on a snowy hill whose children are squealing with delight as they ride the snowy slope, to the many professionals whose warm hearts are expressed through their labors requiring cold hands. A few come to mind: the mail carriers going from house to house or driving from one rural box to another; the farmer hauling feed to the livestock; state troopers and first responders rescuing stranded motorists; tow trucks getting vehicles back on the road. And let’s not forget the linesmen and women out in the cold restoring electrical power after a vicious winter storm. As you add your own people who come to mind, remember them in prayer and gratitude for their warm hearts and their cold hands, reaching out to better the lives of others.
By Philip Zimmer, OSB