Daily Meditation for February 4, 2022

Two brothers shared a field and a mill. Each night they divided equally the grain they had ground during the day. One brother lived alone; the other had a wife and children. One day the single brother decided that since his brother had many mouths to feed and he had only himself, he would secretly take a sack of grain each night to his brother’s granary so that his brother would always have enough gran. At about the same time, the married brother said to himself: “I have children to care for me in my old age, but my brother will have no one.” Each night he secretly took a sack of grain to his brother’s granary. One night they met each other halfway and suddenly realized what had been happening. They embraced with great affection and each looked out for the other for the rest of their lives; a happy lesson for all of us.

By Joyce Iten, OSB