Daily Meditation for January 12, 2024

It seems that wishing each other Happy New Year is very appropriate and proper as we move into 2024. It could be assumed that one means it for the day of January 1, or it may suggest that the greeting lasts for the entire 2024. Beginning and living a New Year brings the possibility of facing expected and unexpected, comfortable and uncomfortable, easy and challenging, joyful and painful situations into one’s life, causing one to be faced with a needed decision. How does one decide the path in solving the situation? Conversations with significant persons, quiet reflections on possible solutions, and certainly giving the dilemma to God in prayer are logical possibilities. One may be given a sense of peace and thus deepen one’s trust in God’s everlasting love. May all your beginnings be started with faith and trust that God is always at one’s side, wanting only the best to occur.

By Michon Lanners, OSB