Daily Meditation for February 4, 2025

Levels of faith often rise and fall, depending on circumstances, our felt needs and attitudes on any given day. Yet faith is essential during life’s ups and downs—especially when some situations seem hopeless. Mark’s gospel, chapter five, gives us two stories of faith—one, that of a high-status synagogue leader, Jairus, and the other that of an unnamed woman, most likely of low status. We are not told if they have been followers of Jesus. But moved by their deep faith, these people approach Jesus, each facing desperate situations: Jairus’ daughter is dying, and the woman has a health problem of many years’ duration. They believe Jesus can help them and they reach out to him. Jesus rewards each one’s faith. The woman touches Jesus’ garment, Jesus touches Jairus’ daughter. In both cases, there is intimacy and above all, Jesus giving both life and love.

By Carol Berg, OSB