Daily Meditation for January 9, 2025

Father George Burns ended this Sunday’s sermon with as much passion as he had as he reminded his parishioners of the 2025 Jubilee Year that began on Christmas Eve and was themed “Pilgrims of Hope.” With tears of love in his eyes, and looking at both the young and the old, he asked: “And beloved people of God, if you haven’t already started, what will you and your families do this year as we focus on hope for our world that is hurting in so many ways?” To everyone’s surprise, especially to his parents, 14-year-old Jack raised his hand, stood up and said, “I have at least one good idea!” Everyone started clapping! Jack shared that although he knew his grandpa was often lonely, he never called him, wrote to him or did anything to cheer him. With a big smile he added, “Starting today, that will change.” And what about you and me?

By Lois Wedl, OSB