Daily Meditation for January 2, 2024

Penelope Wilcock in her book, In the Heart of Advent, reminds us of our connection with everything God created. Even the brilliant stars above are our “siblings!” We are all related. The Advent-Christmas season which we are now celebrating is an ideal time to wonder about that luminous creation called stars. The Sacred Scriptures remind us that wise people pay special attention to them. It was three wise men who followed a very special star which led them to the long-awaited Savior. There, before that tiny Infant-God they laid their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Stars are among the most beautiful of God’s creations. They give light and serve as a reminder to us to be people of light, who give witness to Jesus, the Light of the World, and who stand in wonder over even one tiny star.

By Kathy Rademacher, OSB