Daily Meditation for January 2, 2025

Ah, January—a cold month that can freeze our hearts and our hands during days still filled with more darkness than light. As I wake up in what still seems to be night, my heart is weary, and I feel alone. But then I look outside the windows of my third-floor apartment and see lights in my neighbors’ windows on each side. They too are rising in the night to greet another day. My heart becomes more buoyant as I see their lights and I feel connected in this shared experience. As John’s gospel says: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” So, rising each day, I greet God in my neighbor’s light. May I become what I see so that we become light for each other. May our light convey the hope and promise of longer days and more light to come.

By Liz and Dennis Keenan, OblSB