The views, opinions and/or judgments expressed in these blog posts are solely those of the author and do not in any way reflect the views, opinions and/or judgments of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict.
Under the Wing of God’s Protection
On February 20, I ended my blog about Lent suggesting that I…
Look Up and See the Sun
“... walk and live in the reflection of God’s glory.” These…
What We Appreciate, We Magnify!
That which we humans appreciate, we magnify! When we love someone,…
Spring Cleaning
Days are getting longer, the sun is shining more often, and we…
Sacred Washing of Feet
A few years ago, I washed and wiped the feet of the people who…
How Do We Resist Consumerism?
A question that continues to pursue me is: How do we resist the…
Good Neighbors
This month, I’d like to share Emrie’s note to her parishioners.…
A New Lent
Just recently, I read someone’s description of what Lent includes…
Present While Absent
I was positioned, ready for the light sedation that would block…
Alzheimer’s Prayer
For some time, I have been studying and learning about various…