The views, opinions and/or judgments expressed in these blog posts are solely those of the author and do not in any way reflect the views, opinions and/or judgments of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict.
All Are One
Philosopher Jacob Needleman, author of The American Soul: The…
Called by a New Name
When the name Sister Mary Anthony Wagner is heard, I suspect…
Retreat Directed by an Artist
So, last week I was “in retreat,” meaning that I had committed…
Ancestors in the Pews
Tony found himself alone in St. John the Baptist Church in rural…
Show Yourself Faithful
Pope Francis never fails to both inspire and challenge…
Seeking Authentic Inclusion
Recently, I was meeting with a group of predominantly lay Catholics…
Jubilarians Are Golden
At Saint Benedict’s Monastery in St. Joseph, Minn., we recently…
Run While You Have the Light of Life (RB Prol 13)
St. Benedict urges monastics to run on the path of God’s commandments…
There’s No Place Like Home
The worn letters upon the pillow must have held many a head.…
Freedom in Color
A naked number on a classroom door signals a countdown to summer…