- The archival holdings of St. Bede Monastery, Eau Claire, Wis., and Mount Benedict Monastery, Ogden, Utah, are available at Saint Benedict’s Monastery Archives.
- The archives has significant holdings for the former art needlework department.
- The manuscript collection of individual sisters offers another range of topics including anthropology, ethnology, Catholic literature, Minnesota history, Catholic and/or Benedictine education, Christian art and symbolism, Gregorian chant and Church music, monastic spirituality, Father Francis X. Pierz, and Joyce Kilmer and family.
- Those who have significant collections include Sisters Inez Hilger, Mariella Gable, Grace McDonald, Incarnata Girgen, Justina Knapp, Juana Raasch, Thomas Carey, Jacquelyn Dubay, Cecile Gertken, and Michael Kilmer.
- Saint Benedict’s Monastery Archives is also the repository for the records of the American Benedictine Academy (ABA), an association of Benedictine men and women committed to cultivate, support and transmit the Benedictine heritage within contemporary culture; the Monastic Congregation of Saint Benedict, a pontifical association of autonomous Benedictine monasteries of women in Minnesota, North Dakota, Illinois, Washington, the Bahamas, Taiwan, Japan, and Puerto Rico for mutual support to maintain and extend the Benedictine charism and to be the liaison between the Apostolic See and the monasteries; and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), Region 11, an organization of pontifical right which aims to promote the welfare of women religious and the effectiveness of their ministry.