Sometimes our personal, familial and communal lives are filled with losses and with the grief that inevitably follows. We lose family members and friends through death, distance and alienation; we lose jobs and homes, countries, languages and cultures; we lose health and safety. We watch with dismay as the world loses peace and the lives of the creatures who share the Earth with us. Writing is one way to face these losses and to look for moments of grace for ourselves and for others. In this workshop, we will read, do guided writing, read each other’s work, and offer generous responses. Sister Mara will read and respond to your writing individually. Everyone is welcome! You don’t need to consider yourself a writer to join this workshop.
Dates: Saturdays, February 15, March 8, 29
Time: 9–11:30 a.m.
Facilitator: Mara Faulkner, OSB, Fellow Writer
Limit: 8 participants
Fee: $120
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