Growing in Wisdom
What joy: an afternoon with sisters to discuss being wise! I…

Benedictine Values & Music
There’s no shortage of music that connects to these Benedictine…

Joyful Teaching
Sister Janine Braun developed a passion for education early on…

Resisting Retirement
“Pass on the baton” refers not only to a new conductor or…

Benedictine Life: A Model for Synodality
In October 2021, Pope Francis invited the entire Church to participate…

Friends’ Corner: An Overview of Arleen McCarty Hynes, OSB
In addition to being a writer in my day job, I also write biographies…

The Gift of Literacy
Blessed to be an educator for 44 years, one considers from time…

Sewing Through Lent
I couldn’t give it away. When I sat down at my sewing machine…

Lessons in Life and Music
Sister Dolores Super became my organ teacher in January 2020,…

Tidbits From the Past: Early Efforts in Social Justice
Benedictines traditionally have no specific ministry to which…