Daily Meditation for December 13, 2023

The very young mother adjusted her manta around the tiny child which she held in her arms. She leaned forward eagerly and extended her tongue to receive Eucharist. I watched as she reverently closed her mouth and immediately kissed her infant on the forehead thus sharing “El Cuerpo de Cristo” with her child. She, who had shared her very body to nurture her child, now sat in profound prayer and adoration of the God who gives all life as the choir sang and the communion procession moved on. We can only try to imagine the prayer of the young Virgin from Nazareth as she held her Infant Son. She had shared her body with the Son of God.  He had taken her flesh to become human. She could only wonder at what the future held for her Son. How could she know that his body, drawn from hers, would become Eucharist to nourish the world.

By Judy Kramer, OSB