Daily Meditation for November 22, 2022

The girl was young in 1958 when she got word that the Pope had died. The distraught child ran to her mother and exclaimed: “Who will take care of us now?” Calmly her mother explained that a wise and caring man would soon be elected as the new pope. How right she was. Pope John the XXIII was soon elected. This perceptive and caring pontiff won the hearts of people worldwide. In announcing Vatican Council II, he began airing out the Church though timely changes. During this time of renewal, he guided the Church with the foresight of a prophet and the patience of one partnering with Divine Providence. His hope was to better the lives of people at every level of society. He wished to promote goodwill and shared responsibility. Today as we anticipate elections at all levels of government, we trust that candidates have that same common good in mind. When called to serve, may these officials care for everyone.

By Ruth Feeney, OSB