Daily Meditation for March 16, 2022

Air is warmer, snow is melting, a few birds have arrived, days are becoming longer and within a few weeks, the season of spring will be upon us. It seems like a good thing to look forward to. New life will appear, trees will again turn green, flowers will show their faces and winter clothes can be put away for the next several months. The yearly cycle provides the opportunity to experience various changes, some may be appreciated by a few, some by many. There are choices. Life is full of choices. Am I able to accept changes? Am I able to let go of set ideas when I hear a more acceptable solution? Am I a positive influence to those around me? Am I becoming more the person I am meant to be? These are challenges that face each of us. May we each day receive the grace to become happier and holier.

By Michon Lanners, OSB