Daily Meditation for December 23, 2024
While this is a rather frantic time of year for many people as they prepare for the upcoming holidays, nature also gives us a time of quiet darkness that can help us pause and appreciate this time of waiting. Perhaps living during a pandemic has taught us that even though we miss the more exciting and enjoyable activities of our pre-Covid days, there is something to be appreciated about having a little less commotion in our lives. While the Christmas season can be a very busy and hectic time for many, it is good to ask ourselves, “Do I want to be stressed or blessed during this very special time of year?” Try to give yourself some quiet time each day to savor the wonder and blessings of Christmas and pay attention to the many signs of goodness all around you. May this Christmas season be less stressful and more bless-full for all of us!
By Mary Weidner, OSB