Daily Meditation for December 13, 2024

Albert Einstein reminds us, “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” For example, is there a neighbor who goes out of her way to share a batch of fresh out of the oven cookies, knowing that your work schedule does not allow for the kind of treats both of you remember enjoying as children? Perhaps, you have lost count on the number of “good mornings” one of your fellow early morning walkers offers as he passes you on the sidewalk, causing you to smile; his greeting warms your heart every day. Then there is the friend down the hall, your partner, your sibling or your co-worker—how hard it is to say three simple words, “I am sorry,” but you did it! Or perhaps your friend beat you to the apology. In either case, it matters though the value cannot be counted.

By Dianne Schlichting, OblSB