Daily Meditation for December 11, 2024
With the seasons of Advent and Christmas so close, we might remind ourselves that Jesus is no longer an infant but is an adult, our Savior, risen from the dead and living among us. While being gifted with that awesome presence, we are aware that each of us holds a bundle of paradoxes: love and hate, good and bad, light and darkness, and others. In spite of that reality, Jesus loves us as we are and not as we should be. Thus, Thomas Merton reminds us that “a saint is not someone who is good but someone who experiences the goodness of God.” With that piece of truth planted in our hearts, may the seasons of Advent and Christmas hold blessings for our wounded world, and may they find us standing at the manger beholding our infant God in whom there are no paradoxes, only love.
By Kathy Rademacher, OSB