Daily Meditation for December 10, 2024

Christmas shopping can be such a burden. It takes so much thought, time and energy. Hopefully you are well into it for this year or even lucky enough to be already finished. Yet, with just a bit of deeper reflection on what Christmas shopping is really all about, Christmas shopping can indeed be a sacred act. Because with each purchase, we hold cherished thoughts of our loved one and consider carefully the perfect gift that will bring him/her great joy. Actually, gift-giving is what God is all about. God constantly cherishes each of us and chooses to give us the perfect things that bring us great joy. So, shopping and gift-giving is a powerful way of entering into God’s work of cherishing and showering each of us with things that we need most. Looking at Christmas shopping with these eyes can make a big difference in the way we proceed to bringing love and joy to our loved ones.

By Marlene Meierhofer, OSB