Daily Meditation for December 2, 2024

Happy New Year! The Church has officially begun its new year with the celebration of the first Sunday of Advent. These upcoming weeks allow us time to prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Christ at Christmas. Advent means “coming.” An important question to ask ourselves is, “How am I preparing for the coming of Christ?” St. Theresa of Avila said that we cannot know Jesus if we do not know ourselves. “Getting to know ourselves” can be exciting and at the same time painful and challenging as we discover and uncover things we may have preferred to have kept hidden. Self-revelation can be a great deal of hard work. As we continue the journey forward, however, we come to know more fully the God who dwells within and among us. We can then radiate God’s light and let God’s love shine through us. Jesus is coming and is already present. We just need to look around and within. Let us take time to prepare our hearts and minds to be more fully aware and ready for the coming of Christ.

By Catherine Duenne, OSB