Daily Meditation for November 22, 2024
Recent surveys report that more and more people are not going to church. When questioned, these folks have many good reasons for quitting church. They will say, “I don’t get anything out of it; the music is awful, the preaching is dreadful, the people there are all hypocrites.” Some will mention the clergy scandals and other instances of misbehavior by churchgoers. Upon reflection, although these reasons sound compelling, they miss the point. Worshipping together in community is acknowledging the truth that we are sinners but also children of a loving God who is the source of all that we are and all we have. We don’t go to church for a magnificent concert or an eloquent sermon. We go because this is the way we give meaning to our lives. We get strength and courage from the presence of others who are also striving to live faithful lives. We go because we can’t not go.
By a Sister of Saint Benedict