Losing Something Precious
I am the kind of person who, at the end of the day, always puts my clothes away. My shoes have a special place, whether it is in the closet or a particular spot on the floor near where I dress. My keys are always in my right-hand pocket as I leave the room. If I have a special job to do during the day, I write a large reminder and place it on the floor, so I see it as I am going out the door. And I always put my purse in the very same spot, right beside my chair.
“I always put my purse in the very same spot”—until I didn’t.
The thing is, I did not even notice that my purse was not in its usual spot until I needed it. “Of course,” you say! “Isn’t that how it happens?”
Right. I had misplaced my purse and did not even remember when.
So, I searched my mind as to when I recalled using it. My sunglasses are in it because I needed those to go to the writing conference in Sauk Centre. That was early in October. Oh no, what else? Did I go shopping after the conference?
I do not recall, but I think not.
Over and over again, I tried to remember my activities during the days of October, but I still have not found the purse.
I called the credit card company, and no one has used my card. I went to the DMV and replaced my driver’s license. I scoured the car, even the trunk. I’ve looked in every nook and cranny that I can think of.
What else can I do? Where else do I look?
So far, St. Anthony has given no help or even hope.
Will you pray for me?
Mary Jane Berger, OSB
Photo by Lum3n on Pexels.