Daily Meditation for November 8, 2024

Leadership expert Margaret Wheatley often asks her audience to examine the worldview from which they operate. She says that if our worldview is one of scarcity, then we believe that there is never enough of life’s good things to go around. We believe that competition is the only way to succeed in the world or even to survive. Conflict, violence and war are the logical outcomes to this belief in scarcity. On the other hand, Wheatley says, if our worldview is one of abundance, then we believe that there is enough of life’s necessities to go around. Believing in abundance, we are willing to share the world’s resources—and our own—acknowledging that the gifts we have are not meant for our enjoyment alone or for the privileged few. We believe that cooperation leads to greater personal happiness as well as to a peaceful, more just society.

By Mary Jackle, OSB