Daily Meditation for November 5, 2024
You hear it often: “What has gone wrong? We live in such an unstable world!” As a result, we feel insecure, uncertain, moving too fast, uprooted rather than deeply grounded—lacking someone who loves us, never changes and is able to be with us, hold us, immerse himself in us in this unusually upsetting time. Where is there someone who wants to be part of our upheavaled selves? Recently we had the Gospel of the deaf/mute man brought to Jesus for healing. It was Jesus who looked up into the heavens and groaned, shouting, “Ephaphta! Open up!” The result? The deaf/mute man heard and spoke! We too can open up to the ever-present God who is with us and yet waits for us to welcome him into our chaos.
By Renee Domeier, OSB