Daily Meditation for October 9, 2024
The family is the basic unit of society. So very many circumstances gnaw at our families today. Economics, social media, mental unwellness, challenges, underachievers and unforeseen accidents are the dark shadows that haunt. So, blessed are those folks who are willing to lean in as surrogate family members. Teachers, coaches, counselors, grandparents, neighbors, friends and other strong pillars for the family. You know well when it is your turn to help stabilize a family through a storm, an accident, a misunderstanding, or need of an apology or expression of appreciation! October is the month of the rosary. Strange how this set of chained beads, can bring calm to a family or a lonely heart as we repeatedly ask Mary to pray with and for us. The rosary or better yet, the family rosary, can be the chain that binds a family together.
By Judy Kramer, OSB