Show Yourself Faithful

Pope Francis never fails to both inspire and challenge me! 

Recently, I heard his short message on faithfulness. He invited his hearers to ask ourselves, “How are we faithful?” and to take the question with us to think about during the day: “How am I faithful to Christ? Am I able to make my faith seen, even when it takes courage? Am I attentive to others? Do I notice who may be in need? Do I believe everyone is a brother and sister to love?” 

In the big picture, we may think we are faithful to Christ; but is it not in the daily, small, tiring ways in which we meet, speak and live with our brothers and sisters that we prove whether or not our faithfulness to Christ is authentic? No separation, here! 

Am I self-giving to my family, kin, stranger, especially those who do not seem to merit it, those who are marginalized and suffering? Am I ready to show these that I am trying to be faithful to Christ? No separation, here! 

Do I draw near with tender love to those in need of care? Do I bring hope and God’s smile to the contradictions of our world? Then, and only then, am I faithful to the resurrected Christ who appeared unbeknownst to Mary Magdalene or the disciples on the way to Emmaus and who always waits for me to recognize him in the brother or sister I meet on the way! 

When we feel stymied, unimportant or even bored with the status quo, we could take to heart what Pope Francis was saying via Twitter to young people: “Be amazed by what is true and beautiful, what is of God! Do not be satisfied with a mediocre life. God is good. Let us imitate God. He wants us to both carry him to others and to find him there.”

Renée Domeier, OSB

Photo: Hands reaching out to one another. Taken by McKenna Phillips.