Daily Meditation for May 23, 2024
It has been said that “patience is a virtue,” but perhaps a virtue that many have yet to develop. Waiting patiently doesn’t come easily in a culture that expects instant results. During the pandemic we became experts on waiting: for businesses to open, for visits with family and friends, for a call to go back to work or school, for the day when we could leave our home without a mask, or meet others in person rather than by Zoom. We waited for a vaccine, and we continue to wait for better times. Farmers and gardeners are models of patience as they wait in total trust for a seed to produce new life. They live in hope of what is to come. May the seeds of patience that we plant during this waiting time bring forth a bumper crop in our lives, producing enough hope and goodness to nourish those around us as well!
By Mary Weidner, OSB