Daily Meditation for April 26, 2024

Today is Arbor Day, a day for celebrating God’s gift of trees. Trees of all kinds, each playing its unique role in the preservation of life on the planet. From the undiscovered gifts of the massive rainforests to the remotest arid desert oases, trees gift us with the essentials for existence. To quote Dr. Richard Leakey, “We make an immense mistake when we think trees as solely an aesthetic member of a community. They cut pollution, they cool the air, they prevent erosion, they muffle the sound, they produce oxygen. Then after all that, they look good.” As you think of the role of trees in your life, perhaps a favorite one comes to mind. You may want to thank God for this gift, offering a prayer of gratitude for what trees offer both in their life time and their contributions when sustainably harvested.

By Philip Zimmer, OSB