Daily Meditation for March 7, 2024
The blast of March winds—they sweep through our lives with great freedom going their own way. Not unlike God’s spirit who plays in our soul. “Have you not heard the rush of tones?” asks Thomas Merton, spiritual writer of our day, in his poem, “The Breath of Nature.” With an awakening voice, we are summoned from our soul’s wintry grasp to feel fresh hope, to await the greening of nature transforming our world. The wind remains invisible but we know it by its effects. So God’s breath in our soul can only be seen by buds of generosity and greening shoots of kindness. We are grateful for the March wind that brings us closer to Spring; that blows against our face reminding us that life is changing, and dour kindness and gratitude—no matter where we are—like springs of water for fresh and greening growth.
By Owen Lindblad, OSB+