Daily Meditation for February 9, 2024
Is there anything special about February 9? Yes! It’s National Pizza Day (at least it is here in the USA). This year, it falls very conveniently. We’ve been having some cold winter and Lent, which not everyone looks forward to, will be with us in a few days. What better time to be encouraged to give ourselves a comforting treat and all in the name of celebrating a national favorite, pizza. National Pizza Day is, essentially, lighthearted fun, and lighthearted fun has a place in life. Benedictine living is all about finding balance and part of that balance is knowing when to put being serious on hold and concentrate on simply enjoying yourself in the company of others. It’s important to share the enjoyment with others; that’s also part of the Benedictine way, building community, and a pizza party is a perfect means to do just that. Happy February 9! Enjoy your pizza party!
By Karen Rose, OSB