Daily Meditation for January 19, 2024
Saint Benedict urges monks to receive guests as if they were Christ and to ask them for a blessing (RB 53:1–2; 24). One guest we all meet often is ourselves. These are opportunities to recognize and claim ourselves as the image of God and through whom God reveals and acts (Gen 1:26–27).
“Who, me? I’m insignificant. I’m not smart and articulate or able to bless others. I’m not outgoing. My life is messy.”
And God saw that it was good (Gen 1).
“Who, me? I’m fearful. I live with many bad habits. At times I’m crabby and
inconsiderate. Often I think I need to be perfect.”
I have called you by name: you are mine (Is. 43:1b).
“Who, me? I don’t like some people. Expect a blessing? I object to some
people’s actions. Give them a blessing? I’m not up to it.”
You are in my image (Gen 1:26–27). You are a blessing.
By Mary Reuter, OSB