Daily Meditation for December 27, 2023
A new year is coming at the end of this week—a time for new beginnings, a chance to start over, begin again. Starting over is what life is about. Being human, we often slip below our good intentions, our best efforts, and so starting over helps one to stay on course, keep on the road. Whether difficult or easy, the temptation is to give up trying, whether it is staying on a diet, giving up an addiction, developing a new habit, becoming skilled in an art, perfecting a new recipe, or driving more safely. To keep trying makes one alert and humble, helps to keep up a standard. Begin again to become the kind of person you can be and the kind of person you want others to be. Begin again to be loving and courteous, to those familiar and those foreign to us. Create something new and better in the coming year.
By Renée Domeier, OSB