Daily Meditation for November 9, 2023
Our world is so full of God’s beauty and love and we are called to savor that. Our world is also full of hate and violence and we need to do something about that. But what can I do? God can use the “tiniest nothing” that we do with love and make it a wonderful “something” for the transformation of the world. Here’s an example: Try to think nonjudgmentally about others and remind yourself when you are tempted to judge that we are all one and that every thought you think reverberates throughout the universe touching everyone and everything. That’s a sobering and powerful thought. Deepak Chopra has said, “If you and I are having a single thought of violence or hatred against anyone in the world at this moment, we are contributing to the wounding of the world.” Transformation and healing of the world begins right here and now with you and me.
By a Sister of Saint Benedict