Daily Meditation for November 1, 2023

Abraham Joshua Heschel (b. 1907) said that, “There is a holiness that hovers over all things”! Some persons would consider this mysterious, but awareness of a mystery is shared by all people, and this mystery is not apart from us. It is not a far-off thing like a rainbow. This holiness is not only far away from us, but we live in holiness. It makes everything we touch and do sacred, and if we look carefully, the world is crammed with marvels. To become aware of these marvels is made possible through what persons share with us through photography and the arts, whether visual, audial, or verbal. To open ourselves to the mystery of this overarching holiness, an attitude of reverence—found in all civilizations—needs to be continually reawakened. Let us open ourselves to a renewed reverence in all life. Abraham Heschel died in 1972.

By Josue Behnen, OSB