Daily Meditation for October 26, 2023

A tour to the old farmstead gives a lesson in the beauty of a season of passing. Tinges of autumn are taking over the landscape; see what is growing and dying.  This past summer “has been hard” the owner says, and the woods show it. The swamp areas are drying so some trees that have fallen can be pulled out and cut into firewood.  The clusters of old trees growing from rocky hills are dying so more wood for burning. The deep green pine trees midst the oaks and maples drop needles that make nice beds for deer that roam the woods at night.  The worn path shows signs of where skunks dig up the top layer of grass in search of grubs. The old farmer goes out every day to look at the trees, check the paths and to see what needs clearing so he can keep taking a ride and see. It’s nice to watch. 

By Josue Behnen, OSB