Daily Meditation for October 25, 2023

“The harvest is past, The summer is ended, And we are not saved!”  This somber observation during a time of duress was made by the Prophet Jeremiah (8:20). There is just one chance each year to plant, grow and harvest crops with life sustaining results. But harvest can also be understood in a spiritual sense.  We experience the spirit of harvest in our lives, growing the kingdom of God at all times wherever we are.  Persons in the springtime of this spirit often are remarkably open to God’s will, optimistic and enthusiastic.  Summertime souls will  bring resilience and creativity to changing circumstances, employing persistence and determination to achieve great results. But Jeremiah warns that summer is temporary. Even the success of a spiritual summer will end. Along the way it is possible to lose focus and miss the spiritual opportunities around us.  We need to be dedicated harvest workers throughout our lives, so we can proclaim, “the harvest is past and we are saved.”  

By Mary Jackle, OSB