Daily Meditation for October 23, 2023

Are you a walker?  There is evidence that walking often decreases mental distress, increases one’s sense of purpose and creates a more positive outlook on life.  Some believe that problems are often solved by walking, especially when walking in nature.  Whether we are walking over the crisp fallen leaves of autumn, listening to the crunch of snow beneath our feet in winter, or enjoying the sun on our back while strolling on a sandy beach, walking can increase our mental alertness and our energy.  Studies show that walking pushes your brain to release endorphins, which are known to help lighten your mood and build some positive emotions.  Walking outdoors is also a way to take in all the beauty that surrounds us. The walk then becomes a prayer of gratitude for the amazing art of God and for the gift of living in such a beautiful world!

By Mary Weidner, OSB