Jigsaw Puzzle Contest

Last Friday evening, three other sisters and I joined about 25 to 30 others, all college students, to participate in the first-ever jigsaw puzzle contest here on campus. One of the librarians, Sarah Gewirtz, put out the invitation, and since many sisters participate in jigsaw puzzling here at the monastery, we were intrigued.

Sister Nina Lasceski posted the invitation in order to interest at least four sisters to be a team. By Friday night, the team of “Puzzle Pioneers” was ready. We met the rest of the contestants, had two hours to accomplish the task of putting together a 750-piece puzzle, and so got started figuring out our “strategy.”

We realized the rest of the crowd was serious about putting this puzzle together because the noise level was minimal, and we could have been there by ourselves. We worked well together but as we were puzzling, we realized that most of us are used to a solitary activity when puzzling. It was a great lesson to learn, for sure, but also let us know why we did not “win” the contest! Maybe next year!

Mary Jane Berger, OSB

Photo: Sisters Laura Suhr, Joyce McNerney, Mary Jane Berger and Nina Lasceski (left to right) piecing together the puzzle