Daily Meditation for October 16, 2023
It is a burden and frightening responsibility to form one’s conscience, to vote one’s conscience and to be faithful citizens in our world, especially at this time prior to our national elections. Since we are part of a global community, our U.S. elected officials are smack dab in the mix of this huge and troubled global community. So, how do we choose and support those elected officials in such a world? How do we voters evaluate policy positions, party platforms, and candidates’ promises and actions in the light of our Christian and human beliefs? And, as Catholics, how well do we know the moral and social teachings of the Church so bent upon building a better world? If it is true, as someone has said, that we get the kind of rulers/leaders we deserve, we have minimal time to delve deeply into forming our consciences so that we include the common, global good as a criteria for choosing a candidate and mark our ballots.
By Renee Domeier, OSB