Daily Meditation for October 9, 2023
A family from Central America, who had settled in Texas, decided to visit relatives “up north.” Four young children, one infant and a babe in arms came with their parents to stay with Grandma in what they supposed would be cool Minnesota during the summer months. Daddy had a summer job and Mom took care of the tiny ones while Grandma loved the rest of the family into mid-Minnesota summer activities. They were in church with Grandma every Sunday and four of the children raced down the stairs at church for Liturgy of the Word. They prayed, listened, colored and cut and pasted with the other youngsters. They were leaving at the end of the summer and Grandma said she would be so very lonesome when they were gone. But, she told us, “They learned so much about Jesus, the saints and how to go to church.” What more could one ask? We see the importance of church-going Grandmas!
By Judy Kramer, OSB