God Sparks
According to the mystical teachings of Judaism, “…at some point at the beginning of things, the Holy was broken up into countless sparks, which were scattered throughout the universe. There is a god spark in everyone and everything…”*
God’s presence, goodness and love are dispersed into all parts of creation, in every movement of energy. I wonder: Do we have the courage to believe this teaching? What difference does it make to ourselves and our world when we believe and are attentive to the revelation of God in the ordinary happenings of our lives? How do we live attentively, open to receive a hint of a spark flickering or one about to burst into flames? What can we do to fan the sparks in people—including ourselves, all aspects of creation, and movements such as compassion, courage, trust and forgiveness that bring the reign of God’s love into full braze?
Recently I noted instances in which I saw the “god spark.” I was amazed to discover my day was generously graced with them. Early in the morning, items being passed to the recycling bin beamed a light of respect for them as well as for the earth and their re-use. Light glistened in delight as a mother described her three-year-old daughter playing with soap suds as she helped wash dishes. The light through the words in Psalm 51, “God reshape my heart,” that I prayed during Morning Prayer drew me out of the shadow of grouchiness. A misunderstanding and angry words threatened my relationship with one of my Benedictine sisters. Later, words of reconciliation renewed the light of understanding for each other and brought the energy of healing between us. Some quiet moments fed the light of gathered energy and attention. I noted that for the next few hours, I could more readily see a “god spark” in people, things and events I encountered. A moment of awe lifted me from merely glancing out the window to being pulled into the blossoming apple tree outside my second floor window.
God’s presence, goodness and love harbored in the universe await our attention. They are ready to be blessed and fanned so their “god sparks” can be revealed. They might not be the flaming Burning Bush that Moses saw on Mount Horeb and from which God spoke. But then, maybe some are…or will be.
*From Rachel Remen, My Grandfather’s Blessings, 2
Mary Reuter, OSB