Daily Meditation for April 25, 2023
As the snowflakes’ size shifts from large fluffy to small, almost invisible flakes on this late winter-early spring day, we hold our breaths and wonder if it will accumulate enough to cover the brown soiled snowbanks one more time! Nature teaches us many things about life. For one thing, after death-like winter comes new life. As spring buds burst out of winter trees that have stood like death against cold with what seemed like no possible life, every spring gladdens our hearts with leaves and blossoms—foliage for birds to nest. As we move from winter into spring, we as Christians also move through the Lenten season, onto Passion week and then onto the feast of Easter. For the Christian, this feast is a memorial of the marvel of life after death that we believe we will experience. This Christian belief gives joy and hope, for those we love we will see again.
By Josue Behnen, OSB