Daily Meditation for April 18, 2023
During his earthly lifetime, Jesus is recorded as having raised three people from the dead: Jairus’ daughter, the widow of Naim’s son, and Lazarus, brother of Martha and Mary. Some, if not all, of His disciples were present for these miracles, and one would think these would have greatly strengthened their faith in Jesus. But wondrous as these deeds are, Jesus’ own resurrection is the miracle which gives most substance to our faith. His disciples, however, seem to have lacked faith in Jesus’ promise that He would rise in three days. Calvary left them drifting and depressed. Like the disciples, we could be fearful or even in denial of death. Jesus’ resurrection, however, reassures us: He loves us and wants us to share everlasting life with Him. Our faith will make the difference here. We can face death with the assurance that we, too, will be resurrected. We know that our Redeemer lives.
By Carol Berg, OSB