Daily Meditation for April 12, 2023

In a wonderful photograph, a small girl is looking with amazement and delight at a newly-fledged robin chirping on her windowsill. Under the photo are the words, “Show me a day when the world was not new.” When someone asks us how our day is going, what if, instead of answering, “Same old, same old,” we described the delights the day had given us, beginning with the small ones we’re likely to overlook? The Scripture stories for the days after Easter are filled with surprises; the greatest surprise—the empty tomb and Jesus alive and radiant, making all things new. Maybe Easter people are those of us who believe so deeply in resurrection that wherever we look, we see new life emerging from tombs of boredom and indifference, loss and sorrow, despairs and even death. Easter people say, “Show me a day when the world was not new. Alleluia!”

By Mara Faulkner, OSB