Daily Meditation for April 7, 2023

On Sunday, we will celebrate the grand feast of Jesus’ rising from the dead after His agonizing suffering and death on the cross. While thinking about the Passion of Jesus on Good Friday, we also remember that  his death and resurrection offers each of us new life…all is made new through Christ’s rising from the dead. We are new people. Our existence is dramatically changed. And we can’t miss the abundant signs of new life surrounding us—the snow is going away, grass is appearing, soon buds and vegetation will begin to emerge. New life fills one with a joyful spirit. As we all deal with painful situations, we may find it hard to be joyful. But, may you be assured that Good Friday also carries the message that a new normal is growing through those painful situations and be assured that new life always comes from suffering.

By Marlene Meierhofer, OSB