Daily Meditation for April 5, 2023
Larry settled himself against a huge rock to begin his retreat with the rising sun. The glow of light on the horizon promised the overseer of the day. Larry waited and waited. Why was the rising taking so long? Suddenly he realized light was coming from behind him. He’d been looking west rather than east. Lent has urged our gaze to look east, to Easter. Some of us have brought God’s love into situations that lacked sensitivity, justice, gratitude or humor. Several supported lives to become more colorful and hopeful rather than dull and cynical. Some now are more connected with the community of all creation. Some regret looking west by settling for experiences, though temporarily satisfying, that threw a shadow over their relationship with God and all creation. And now, how are we going to support ourselves and others to continue to look and walk east as Easter people?
By Mary Reuter, OSB